Scholomance academy card list. World of warcraft arena world championship.

Hearthstone Meta Deck Tier List September 2019 Game Truth
Hearthstone card tier list. Heroes of warcraft assets used on this site are copyrighted andor trademarked material of blizzard entertainment inc. If you win 5 games on the hearthstone ladder this is the card back you will receive this month. Wardruid loti card to tier 2 carddr. Promotional popup has appeared promolabel promotext promolinktext card library deck builder battlegrounds. Notably the only minions offered here that has any late game value are wrath weaver and rabid saurolisk. Morrigan tier 5 to 4 alakir the windlord removed from wild section.
English us english eu english anz english sea. Hearthstone meta tier list for july 2020 ashes of outland season 76 update july 2 2020. The standard hearthstone legendary card tier list spreadsheet can be used to review all legendary cards in the standard format. Cards in red are worse in this class. Battlegrounds heroes tier list. A full list of tier 1 minions can be found below.
Our cookie policy has been updated. The main purpose of tier 1 minions is to get you safely through the early game. Alleycat and murloc tidehunter are the most common cards picked from this tier due to their ability to summon tokens that can later be sold for an additional gold. Cards in green are better in this class. Searching is also enabled to sift through the massive number of legendaries available in the standard format. Find popular hearthstone decks for every class card and game mode.
Magtheridon tier 3 to 4 shadowjeweler hanar tier 1 to 2 captain greenskin tier 3 to 1 i love to recommend classic cards the lich king is actually holding strong and is like a tier 15 card currently mainly used in big decks but his he can be jammed into several decks for many classes and do a very nice job. This site is not affiliated with blizzard entertainment inc. Support account my gifts careers company. By continuing to browse our site you agree to these updates. Lowers in score after first copy. A collection of hearthstone tier list templates.
0804 yogg saron hopes end tier 4 to 2 prince liam tier 2 to 3 floops glorious gloop to tier 2 azalina soulthief to tier 2 dollmaster dorian to tier 2 chameleos to tier 3 high priest thekal tier 1 to 2 archmage arugal to tier 4 lady. Compare winrates and find the deck for you. Transfer student boards effects. The list of cards can be sorted by name class set tier or score.