For everybody else we have prepared much more. Check your summoner live spectate and using powerful global league of legends statistics.

Op Gg Dribbble
League of legends tier list op gg. Sort by win rate tier role rank and region. Best builds from the best data. If youd like more details on how we make our tier lists. The most straight forward league of legends lol tier list for solo queue in league of legends 5v5. Here are the official league 1016 patch notes for reference. Best champions based on millions of league of legends matches.
Jump to high elo tier list. Lol tier list with riot partnered stats of ugg. There are several different factors that determine what makes a league of legend champion a must ban or should play pick. League of legends champion pick and ban rate top 5 highest winban ratethese are recommended league of legends champion bans aswell as the best league tier list champions you should be playing in the current patch. Riot partnered ugg provides the best league of legends builds lol runes probuilds tier list counters and more. Updated every day with the current meta made available to you.
Now that you know the best champions for lol get the best champions for teamfight tactics with our new tft tier. If you have any questions about our choices or process ask us on discord. We provide metrics statistics builds skill orders and runes for the champions in lol organized by their rank in the tier list. Each patch we create a standard list for most elos as well as a high elo list. Jump to general tier list. Check your summoner live spectate and using powerful global league of legends statistics.
Check out our patch notes breakdown here. Our league of legends tier list is published before the patch goes live to give you the best chance to get an edge over your opponents. Opgg uses data based on ranked games from platinum and higher. Check your summoner live spectate and using powerful global league of legends statistics. Tier list gold 4 58lp 44w 47l win ratio 48 ekko 15w 9l win ratio 63 thresh 11w 6l win ratio 65 bard 6w 4l win ratio 60 fiora 5w 4l win ratio 56 lee sin 2w 5l win ratio 29 tier list summoner stats league of legends.