B tier dota underlords tier list brute dota underlords tier list brutes are not an alliance i would make a main focus of my build but the individual units in the brute alliance are all very strong and since you only need four of them for the bonus they make a fantastic complement to any of the alliances they pair easily with. Dota underlords tier list splits heroes into five groups and sorts each one based on their strength rarity and how much they cost.

Dota Underlords Best Heroes Units In The Game Amp Tier List
Dota underlords character tier list. Fans of dota 2 and auto chess are eager to see which characters from the moba have been added to underlords. So the higher the tier the better they are. In this article youll learn about the best alliances builds and strategies in the current underlords meta. Dota underlords best hero units tier list. Tier 1 characters cost 1 gold to purchase tier 2 characters cost 2 gold and so on. Content is available under cc by nc sa 30 unless otherwise noted.
Valves autobattler dota underlords is still in open beta but fans. All in depth guides about specific builds can be found in our dota underlords builds collection. Dota underlords tier list. Dota underlords is out in closed beta. Keep a close eye on this page to find out more and get updates on the state of tier lists for dota underlords and the best characters to play. At the moment this hunter hero is by far the most broken character in dota underlords.
Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. You can expect that each character has a gold cost that equals their tier. Brawny heartless blood bound mage and sage. The higher the tier the stronger. These are the essential units for your matches. If you are lost and cant decide which heroes to pick for your units then check out the best heroes tier list below which will give you more than enough ideas on how to win match ups in dota underlords.
That said a list of all heroes with some tips is a very useful thing for new players so it doesnt hurt to order the list in some kind of subjective but useful criteria that would help new players get a general. In this dota underlords tier list weve compiled the five tiers of characters in the game their alliances and the special abilities. Its early days for a dota underlords tier list but we are collecting votes and analysing data at this time. This page was last edited on 23 august 2019 at 2332. If youre interested in information about each individual hero you can get it in our underlords heroes tier list. Hero tier lists are a very flawed concept in all auto battler games dota underlords included simply because units work off of each other thanks to the alliances.