Note that this is purely for solo que purposes in the 1500 4000 sr range pure raw strength for playing with random strangerssome heroes will perform better than their current tier in higher and lower sr ranges. Tier lists are famous in hero shooter titles such as overwatch and paladins and fighting games such as the street fighter and super smash bros.

League S Patch 9 19 Competitive Tier List Dot Esports
Overwatch league tier list. The long awaited overwatch tier list by the overwatch boost pro team is here. The 12 total teams are divided up half and half into each of these two divisions. Roadhog is slowly climbing the ranks in professional play but he has produced some pretty mixed results. In overwatch updates are scarce and actively switching to counter your opponent is encouraged. Esports overwatch league teams power ranking tier list overwatch league teams power ranking tier list maker. Created with tierlistggs tier maker.
Quadrant view view community rank. Unfortunately its the usual suspects at the bottom of the barrel. Using data analysis to understand competitive overwatch. Notice and letter from switch. Adblocker detected help keep omnicmeta up and running by whitelisting the. Lets start with breaking down all six.
Series in addition to moba titles such as league of legends and dota 2. Overwatch tier list is the list of playable characters individually ranked by their respective ability to work successfully in. Overwatch hero meta and tier list pc console. The overwatch league is divided into two divisions. Created with tierlistggs tier maker. The reason tier lists work for games like league of legends is because in league of legends there are no hero swaps and balance patches are pushed out every two weeks.
Share template on twitter share template on facebook. Welcome to the overwatch league your home for all the latest information news scores and stats from the league. Touch here to swipe if no images are loaded here go. Overwatch hero meta pc overall all heroes last updated. So without further ado lets find out who are the best overwatch characters. The good news for overwatch ranked is that there is the lowest tier list is continually shrinking.