View the top destiny 2 players on our leaderboards and how you perform by comparison. This article will focus on pve.

Destiny Child Tier List Global
Destiny 2 tier list pve. This list will be for every exotic. Destiny 2 bows tier list as of august 2020 this list covers both pve and pvp but pay special attention to the excels in column as it clarifies what the best bows for pve or pvp are. In destiny 2s gambit mode generally you want to go for pve oriented perks and hand cannons rather than pvp ones unless youre a hardcore invader. Destiny 2 pve tier list 1. Destiny child tier list pve pvp raids world boss. Wed also like your feedback on which exotics you feel are the best.
Setting aside the lunafaction nerf warlocks are arguably still the best pve class in the current meta. Our destiny 2 best pve weapons list takes a look at the top options to play with in the new shadowkeep expansion. The list is organized into character classes for providing easy references and navigation. After running through destiny 2s various pve activities we came up with a ranking of which classes you want fighting on your side. You want guns that can take care of minors. While the damage boost from ward of dawn is higher the sheer utility of well of radiance combined with exotics like pheonix protocol makes it a force to be reckoned with.
Jan 5 2015 at 1749 now that weve reviewed each of destinys exotic weapons wed thought it would be useful to rank them in pve and pvp. Awhile ago before the exotic patch we created a top 5 exotic list for overall use. Updated for 2020 through shadowkeep and season of dawn here. These guns are the most popular among players in the game right now. Destiny 2 exotic tier list as of july 2020 this list covers both pve and pvp but pay special attention to the excels in column as it clarifies what the best exotics for pve or pvp are. July 6th 2020 author.
We have crafted this list depending on the views analysis experiences and calculations of several players of destiny child. Destiny 2 best pve weapons season of arrivals july 2020 updated. We wish all of you trigger happy guardians out there the best of luck in mowing down the forces of darkness. Check your profile and weapon statistics. Thanks for taking the time to check it out. And thats that for our guide to the best pve weapons in destiny 2.