Archero best hero tier list guides pros and cons. 100 damage also 115 attack speed knock back and homing projectiles.

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Archero hero tier list. Unique ability chance to trigger an elemental attack. For anyone who looking for a new hero tier list here it is. All heroes are great in their own way. Weve dropped a full archero hero tier list below listed in order of strength but youll be relieved to know that some of the best archero heroes can be unlocked without spending any real. Instead you can choose between various powerful heroes that have their own unique ability. Archero tier list weapon tier ss.
Archero heroes list ability guide best hero ranking. You dont have to play as a random archer anymore and you can choose between various powerful heroes that have control over the elements. Sylvan is an elf with really strong elemental attacks. Tier list weapon abilities hero equipment. Archero is an rng random number generator game developed by habby for ios and android. 25 votes 28 comments.
Meowgik features good but not great base stats and stat growth. Archero hero tier list. 120 damage also 95 attack speed highest projectile speed. Our archero heroes tier list takes a look at the best hero you can lay as in the game. Our archero tier list features all the tier list of weapon abilities hero pet and equipment currently available in the game. Added in the december 2019 update meowgik takes a spot in the s tier despite its weird nature.
This ranking is based on their damage numbers their effects pros and cons. Its perks are good a well though not as good as rolla below. Archero best hero guide tier ss sylvan. 80 damage also 100 attack speed big hitbox and knock backis the favourite weapon among the players. 30 3 times a second up to 2 seconds. You can also check every detailed guides and rankings of them.
In this archero tier lists we will be ranking 12 heroes from best to worst. In this page we will guide all archero heroes list and their unique abilities which added in update 120. From now on you wont have to play as a random character anymore. The ultimate archero tier list. This wiki currently provides 282 articles of valuable information about everything you need to know about archero including information on chapters equipment abilities and more. Well take a look at all of the available heroes and their abilities.
Archero tier list best weaponabilitiesheroequipment. The archero wiki provides useful resources and guides in english to guide you through the game.