Enter in your username or email and you will recieve an email with a link to change your password. Heres my tier list for yu gi oh duel links your competitive edge.

The Most Competitive Darklords Deck Profile Revisited Yu Gi
Yu gi oh duel links tier list deck. But the question is what are the best decks available in yugioh duel links. Visit our patreon page and subscribe with your discord name for 1month. This page notes decks in yu gi oh duel links and their rating to help players build their own decks. Create and share tier lists for the lols or the win. If you need a help to build a better deck please visit deck advice forum. Legacy of the duelist.
Introducing new decks top environment and high class environment decks. Blue eyes crystrons neos a tier. A forum of this page is to discuss not your decks but duel links tier list and current meta. Dinos spellbooks metaphys and 3 more c tier. Platform ios android steampc not compatible with some devices. Magnet warriors six samurai ancient gears and 1 more b tier.
Also used this deck to win a bo3 tournament the deck only dropped 1 duel throughout the entire tourny. Tsubasa tier list japo azul yugioh duel links legendary duelists. The duel links meta website is currently supported by advertisements. Link evolution on the nintendo switch a gamefaqs message board topic titled deck tier list. Yugioh deck tier 2020. Red eyes toon infernity and 6.
Yugioh ban list 2. I have found 10 of the best decks that are not only the top tier in this game but are guaranteed to score you some wins in pvp and against the ai. Free to download and play with in app purchases screenshots and illustrations were taken during development. The deck recipes are based on top decks used in tournaments and in. Build your own decks with our deck builder. Jaccs tier list 02.
11 7 4 0. You can remove the ads and support us directly by becoming a dlm pro member. Online multiplayer card game. Here are the top 10 yu gi oh duel links best decks in 2019. Ranking for the strongest decks of duel links. Up to date game wikis tier lists and patch notes for the games you love.
Join the discord server full access is not needed and is not granted by becoming a dlm pro member. Duel links tier list. Dlm pro members will also gain access to exclusive features.