Hyperbole aside the solo lane does live up to its name in that it is by and large the most isolated and single player dependent role in smite. Smite 610 solo lane tier list.

Smite Update 11 44 June 16 Rolled Out For The Great Dreamer
Smite solo laner tier list. Ravana and swk should be a tier below bellona and osiris. Smite tier list season 6 june 2019. Smite tier list for every role. The godsgoddesses in this tier do a solo laners job better than average with decently well rounded stats across the board. Tier d not generally considered viable in competitive play these gods are often noted as the worst characters to play. Amat herc and erlang are atleast a tier higher then tyr.
This is especially true in the solo lane as youll need to counter build both the enemy laner and the enemy team with your defensive items but still getting the stats you need most. As a solo laner chaac is one of the more reliable picks because it is very hard for him to fall behind in lane and he remains a solo lane bully. The solo lane in smite is a dark lonely place whose isolation is surpassed only by likes of the dreaded friendzone. Smite tier list for every role smite best gods 2019 smite tier list discover the best smite gods. A list of all smite gods listed in tiers so you know who is the strongest god in smite. Best solo laners for the 1st phase of season 7 71 community tierlist.
Find who the best gods are in the current meta so that you can dominate the battlefield. You will do well to pick up one of these characters and set yourself up for decent team and solo plays. Then you got amat herc and erlang in a. Feel free to voice your thoughts on the list in the comments. Smite season 7 tier list steamroll through the ranks. Now that weve gotten that out of the way check out the latest version of the game truth season 7 smite tier list down below.
S tier solo laner 89100 the chinese saint of war guan yu enters the battle riding his horse and hacking at his enemies with his green dragon crescent blade. Those 3 should win lane or atleast go even vs everyone below them. So bellonaosiris s and then ravana and swk s tier. You will feel the flaws of cooldown times or having poorone trick cc compared to the rest. Tyrs early game is atrocious but at lvl 3 4 its decent. However an important part of smite is building items based on what you need in a match rather than getting the same items every game a cookie cutter build.
Created with tierlistggs tier maker. Smite tier list season 6.