Galakrond azeroths end shaman is a 7 mana cost legendary shaman hero card from the descent of dragons set. Descent of dragons has finally arrived and with it weve been gifted a tonne of new decks reworks to existing ones and of course plenty of dragons.

Hearthstone Descent Of Dragons Nerfs Galakrond Shaman
Hearthstone descent of dragons tier list. Hearthstones 3rd and final expansion in the year of the dragon is descent of dragonsit goes live on december 10th. The new hearthstone extension descent of dragons is available since december 10. Plan set forth by rafaam and his crew of villians. Descent of dragons legendaries to prioritize. To steal the floating city of dalaran in the rise of shadows expansion. Our highest rated neutral descent of dragons cards.
Until then you can get a full picture of the upcoming heartharena tier list. As with previous expansions a team of leaderboard level players took days to rate the cards individually followed by hours of group discussion with the goal to set a single tier list score for every card. A few highlander decks are still knocking around but theres been a big influx of galakrond based decks climbing the meta. The descent of dragons meta has heavily changed with patch 1608. Hello arena players this past week weve been hard at work rating the 116 descent of dragons cards that will be in the arena. Hearthstone arena tier list will be updated.
Descent of dragons top decks. The year of the dragon started with an evil. If you prefer a short overview here are some of our top picks.