1 offense tier list 2 heroes 3 feh summon simulator 4 fire emblem heroes iv calculator 5 gamepress hero rankings 6 feh content update. On easy certain things arent doubled for experience purposes actually.

Sniper Tier List Can Bows Be Good
Fire emblem difficulty tier list. I personally think its harder than fe10nm but thats just me. Because early maddening is a difficult section of the game. This tier list will show who are the best units in fire emblem three houses fe3h. 1 posts must be related to fire emblem. From what i can tell. Kill experience self explanatory is also doubled and seems more forgiving between tiers db units can promote in part 1 and still get kill exp from first tier units.
Three houses fe3h guide walkthrough wiki. If the order matters within the tier i would say to put fe11 h1 right near the top of its tier possibly bottom of the next tier. This is based off my countless runs of the game most likely opinions will differ though so please tell me your thoughts on it. Maybe my opinion sucks because im still trying to learn to not just think about personal experience when it comes to fire emblem. Here we will rank each character and list their advantages and disadvantages over other units. Read ahead to find explanations on which characters will make your playthrough of fire emblem heroes progress more smoothly.
A fire emblem game in all but name from the creator of fire emblem and subject of a successful lawsuit from nintendo where they claimed it was too similar to fire emblem. Either way thought this might help out people playing the. Seen a lot of character discussions around here lately so i thought id have a go at making my own tier list. 06052020 book iv midp. Selffireemblem submitted 3 years ago by iswear12. 7 feh manga 8 guides 9 aether raids offense galeforce guide 10 passive skills.
Radiant dawn on the wii a gamefaqs message board topic titled tier list 35 page 2. Combat experience hitting an enemy for 0 damage is doubled so you get like 16 25ish experience where youd normally get 8 16ish. I was just wondering if anyone has ever made a definitive list of the difficulty levels for every fe game and their respective normalhard modes and how they compare to each other. All things related to fire emblem. Preface this is a tier list based on reasonably efficient playthrough of ng maddenning. It only got a rudimentary which is to say bad translation patch a few years ago so even within the fanbase its pretty obscure.
This walkthrough covers the best heroes to reroll when first starting out in fire emblem heroes feh.