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Hearthstone Arena Crazy Stats From 157 Million Hours Of
Hearthstone arena warlock card tier list. The scholomance academy sa card value guide for arena drafts. Heroes of warcraft the arena rare cards tier list savagery druid. This spreadsheet is designed to aid you in forging warlock arena decks. Heroes of warcraft guide you can do so here. As always in the wild section a lot of cards are nowhere to be seen so use of gut feeling is. Once your hand is full or nearly full plot twist can be used to complete supreme archaeology almost instantly.
Whizbang the wonderful deck recipes list. Adwcta merps grinning goat present the hearthstone arena tier list. This site is not affiliated with blizzard entertainment inc. Cards in red are worse in this class. 7warlock c tier warlock was on top for a bit but has usually been a middle choice for the arena. Hearthstones best hero class tier list.
Fandral staghelm subject 9 unite the murlocs have surprisingly strong winrates still. Lowers in score after first copy. Subject 9 has found a home in highlander hunter decks. Even though it has the strongest hero power the other classes got better cards from descent of dragons. As you can see the spreadsheet divides all cards of the same rarity into 8 different tiers based on their potential value for your class. Extract maximum value out of your cards by recognizing synergies before bringing your deck into the arena.
If you do pick warlock here are some good cards to pick. With the quest complete you should try to use tome of origination to discount malygos alexstrasza and burn spells like nether breath and. Safe to disenchant. Demonic studies is a 1 mana cost common warlock spell card from the scholomance academy set. Hearthstones best arena hero class tier list. Heroes of warcraft assets used on this site are copyrighted andor trademarked material of blizzard entertainment inc.
Cards listed in tier 1 are generally better than cards listed in tier 2 and so on. Demonic studies is a 1 mana cost common warlock spell card from the scholomance. The primary aim of quest warlock is to use life tap and other draw mechanics to draw as many cards as possible. If you want to leave kuroka a tip for writing this hearthstone. From now on we plan to share info regarding heartharena maintenance updates and bring you the latest hearthstone arena scoop via our twitter page. Safe to disenchant.
Hearthstones best arena hero class tier list. Malygos quest warlock strategy. Hearth arena companion app. Cards in green are better in this class. Heartharena is now using twitter. Home games hearthstone.
Kalimos primal lord tier 2 to 4 houndmaster shaw tier 2 to 3 kingsbane tier 2 to 3 i also checked these.