Classic comes with 27 specs in total with an extra spec thrown in via bear tanks. Welcome to the classic wow tier list for all classes covering the best tanks healers and dps across a variety of pve pvp and leveling content.

The Best Wow Builds For All Classes By Odealo Bfa 8 2
Wow pve tank tier list. Weve previously highlighted the best classes for specific types of classic wow content but if you want to know which classes are versatile exceling at multiple types of content this article is for you. Arms warrior a tier pve and pvp the hellscreams are one of the iconic warriors in world of warcraft. Viability of feral druid tanks in wow classic pve content. Not all classes are created equal and in classic each class is usually better at something than others to fulfill specific duties and roles within the community. Factor in mortal strike and an arms warriors will always be good in pvp. Wow classic best dps class spec for pve tier list is about how much damage to can do in dungeons raids questing.
Wow tank rankings tier list bfa 83. With world of warcraft. Youtube twitch and twitter. Pve raids mythic dungeons at level 120 for both single target and aoe situations. Wow dps rankings tier list bfa 83. Arms warriors have always been a feared class.
From classic to bfa they have some of the better burst damage. Wow 83 pvp arena tier list wow pvp guide by mystic july 11 2020 here you will find a strong representation of the current metagame from an eu point of view. Wow classic best dps class spec for pve. Method and official blizzard world of warcraft forums to keep in touch with public opinion so we can tell if. If you want to heal tank or dps in pve or pvp content our tier list is for you. There are also healer rankings and tank rankings on our site just in case you are.
Since trying to stay alive versus other players isnt as important of a focus here we can value doing damage specifically aoearea of effect a bit more. Welcome to the classic wow tier list for all classes covering the best tanks healers and dps for pve dungeons and raiding. Krug is a veteran member of both the classic and retail world of warcraft communities. Welcome to our world of warcraft tank rankings updated for the latest battle for azeroth bfa patch 83 visions of nzoth and the newest raid nyalotha. The only other consideration is a feral druid which is in the d tiersure a feral druid with the proper spec and specific set of gear can be a formidable tank but in almost every situation a. Their burst damage only makes them scarier.
Looking at tanks it should be pretty obvious why protection warrior is at the top of the entire tier list they are the absolute best at tanking and regarded as a must have tank for nearly every raid. If you enjoy his written guides be sure to follow him on his other pages for more classic wow content.