Pokken tournament tier list made by pro players with a huge insight on the pokemon fighters in ferrum league. The tournament of power 力 ちから の 大会 たいかい chikara no taikai is the name of the tournament held by zeno and future zenothe strongest warriors from eight out of the twelve universes are participating and any team who loses in this tournament will have their universe erased from existence.

Pokken Tournament Tier List Dx Nintendo Switch
Tournament of power tier list. All transformations included in each character besides mui goku blue evolution vegeta and fusions like kefla and aniraza. I agree with you on the higher placements of the tier list beyond ssb and ui except for anilaza who i think fits better being stronger than super saiyan kefla as anilaza was able to wipe the floor with super saiyan god goku 17 18 ssj vegeta may be 2. Tournament of power is a project jojo tourney event team whichever team wins the one team gets their own wish granted excluding the final top which has infinite potential of what it could be besides a few exceptions such as deleting the game or removing all the scripts. Card reasoning s1 endless evolution of the warrior race super saiyan broly will never struggle for ki aoe super attack allows him to perform amazingly well in world tournaments excellent linkset low damage output until he transforms after 4 turns s2 hope filled strike super full power saiyan 4 goku amazing hard hitting unit excellent linkset decent sa evader low defensive. Support pokemon will also be listed in this pokken tier list. Tournament of power main fighter tier list my opinion post by gigadrill thu apr 05 2018 814 am there should probably be a separate tier for ssjb x 1020 gokuu max power vegeta kefla and god toppo.
Card reasoning s1 final super power super saiyan god ss goku kaioken great all round unit that gets stronger over time active skill can easily be achieved thanks to the plethora of universe 7 units in this category excellent linkset no prepared for battle requires a bit of buildup to unleash his full potential s2 sign of a turnaround goku ultra instinct sign excellent hard. Based on the anime version only. So this is an attempt to make a tier list on all the characters from the tournament of power. Idk and gohan and was able to hold them back with that winged transformation while they were all powered up. These power rankings are intended to draw on the us sports and e sports approach of ranking relative performance among top players at events. According to the grand minister the true motive behind the organization of the.
All 80 fighters in dragon ball supers tournament of power ranked by tier. We place the best pokken characters in the highest tier god tier and the worst in the lowest tier tier 3. Its not as accurate as id like as certain things regarding the power level are still unclear like how big vegetas boost in his new form really is him seeming matched by kaio ken blue goku at one moment and pushing hakaishin toppo in another. Each contributor assesses the factions based on the top performing tournament lists for that faction the factions match ups and performance in particular battleplans as well as the overall strength of the book in competitive matched play.