In order for your ranking to count you need to be logged in and publish the list to the site not simply downloading the tier list image. The summoners war useful monsters nat 2 5 tier list below is created by community voting and is the cumulative average rankings from 9 submitted tier lists.

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Summoner wars tier list. To make it easier for players. The nat 5s from summoners war tier list below is created by community voting and is the cumulative average rankings from 47 submitted tier lists. The synergy of his skillset places him above the rest of monsters. What the ranks mean. Mana given as reward. Summoners war tier list strongest and weakest monsters ranked check out the best monsters for rta and general pvp according to their tiers.
Subreddit for mobile game summoners war. Path to giants keep basement 10 gb10 rift raid r5 standard team builds. Best summoners war monsters guide updated list core guides apr 01 2020 the purpose of this guide is to list and rank the best monsters in summoners war broken down by grade nat 3 nat 4 etc and by what theyre good for pve or pvp. Artamiel is the poster child for summoners war for a good reason. This is a list that will be updated periodically filter the columns by clicking on the rating criteria. Summoners war useful monsters nat 2 5 tier list.
189 votes 159 comments. Summoners war progression guide. Subreddit for mobile game summoners war. Nat 5 tier list overall not just rta discussion. Posted by 1 year ago. Discuss the latest.
In order for your ranking to count you need to be logged in and publish the list to the site not simply downloading the tier list image. Best characters tier list ranking criteria tips tricks this summoners war tier list exclusively ranks the best natural 5 star characters known as monsters from the game in tiers based on their in game performance and usability. Discuss the latest gameplay news and events with fellow summoners around the globe. This tier list has been created by korean players skit tree and freedom. S top tier gwd monster. A very good monster but usually requires synergy with other specific monsters to shine.
It includes all 5 in the game as well as a few notable 4. That means a monster whos d tier in pve could easily hit s tier for pvp and vice versa. This list wont be covering every monster in the game there are a lot of useless 2 3 star and even 4 star monsters but well be putting a significant amount in. Here are the top monsters as rated by you the community. 977k members in the summonerswar community. I would also like to point out once more that this list does not cover their usefulness in pvp.
Nat 5s from summoners war tier list. This is a tier list specifically for monsters used in guild war defense and 5 siege defense towers at the highest level of play ie.