The fact that ibc is 1 is embarrassing. Maine root uses fair trade organic cane juice and wintergreen.

My Soda Tier List
Root beer tier list. Tropical spritesprite lebron mix if there are no better choices tier coke. Most fantas very low tier anything with a zero modifier or something like it. Food and drug. Ibc is a mediocre root beer at best and those who think it is the best have certainly never had a good brew. Since safrole was banned by the us. Root beer is a sweet north american beverage traditionally made using the root bark of the sassafras tree sassafras albidum or the vine of smilax ornata sarsaparilla as the primary flavor.
This was a hard one to rank because i can see reasonable root beerists really liking it. Its certainly unique with a harsh burnt sugar flavor that might hurt so good on other tongues but just sorta numbs mine. Spritesierra mistginger ale unless im sick in which case these move to great tier mtdew. Use our root beer tier list template to create your own tier list. Louis that also has a bottling line refurbished specifically for their own brand of sodas. I have had over 100 different root beers and every single one on this list.
Root beer is typically but not exclusively non alcoholic caffeine free sweet and carbonatedit usually has a thick and foamy head when poured. The best root beer i have ever had was flavor 8 but they are out of business. 3 of 8 fitzs root beer fitzs is an old school burger and shake joint in st.