Iceborne hunting horn guide on the best weapon tier ranking. The hunting horn 狩猟笛 shuryōbue is a weapon first introduced in the second generation of the monster hunter series.

Jazz For Your Soul A Hunting Horn Guide And Compendium For
Hunting horn tier list. Like all weapons it features a unique moveset and an upgrade path that branches out depending on the materials usedplease see weapon mechanics for details on the basics of your hunter tools. Sword and shield long sword bottom. Great sword hammer top. Iceborne hunting horn guide on the best loadout armor build for this weapon. Moving onto the song list the blooming horn is a respectable support horn for early game. Initially the hunting horns were far weaker than the hammer as per the damage formula.
Even attacks which the two appear to share such as the superpound. Weapon names with an underline cannot be rolled back to a previous. Weapon names in italics can be crafted from the forge weapons menu. Hunting horn 狩猟笛 shyuryou fue hunting animal flute is a weapon category in monster hunter world mhw. Heavy bowgun hunting horn bow low. This list only includes weapons within the base game of monster hunter.
Includes recommended equipment elements decorations and skills. Performing melodies with the hunting horn can boost attack power restore health and provide other beneficial effects. It is similar to the hammer in that it does impact damage and can stun a monster when it connects with the head. Read this monster hunter world. For an expanded list with iceborne weapons rarity 9 and above see the iceborne hunting horn weapon tree. When attacking with the hunting horn the game will show a list of the notes you have pressed in the top left hand corner of the screen and suggest other notes to you to fill out your melodies.
Dual swords light bowgun answer to frequently asked questions no i do not possess nearly the same level of experience that more qualified individuals have on this board rankings are chosen by a weapons overall effectiveness on its own merits without the aid of. The hunting horn is the hammers artistically inclined cousin and just like most forms of art its terribly misunderstood. The hunting horn is a blunt weapon that can bestow positive status effects on yourself. Find out info on stats weapon skills and why theyre good. Read this monster hunter world. Weapon names in bold are the final upgrades to that weapon tree.
F tier hunting horn also known as the hunting flute the hunting horn is a blunt weapon that has great support buff features to yours and your allys status. Because the hunting horn attacks slowly you will have time to read these so get in the habit of doing so until you have them memorized. Hunting horn solo tier c multi tier a doot doot. While the hammer focuses more on damage the hunting horn focuses on providing buffs. Out of the way the buff train is coming through. You have some relatively strong healing songs earplugs s which will keep you from getting stunlocked by the roars of some of the earlier monsters you fight and scoutfly powerup which for newcomers who havent leveled their research log is kinda useful because it lets you track monsters down quicker.
Lance gun lance mid.