You can use the category and tag filters to further refine your selection. Ashes of outland card back gallery card tooltips decks hot standard decks hot wild decks.

Overload Shaman Deck List Guide Ashes Of Outland
Hearthstone ashes of outland deck tier list. Hero tier list cards deckbuilder minions heroes hero powers packs innkeeper desktop view. Update may 26 2020. Decks will be filtering in and out of this list as we learn what is working and what isnt. Hearthstone database deck builder news. Deck has been updated for the ashes of outland expansion. Bomb warrior bomb warrior deck list guide ashes of outland 4.
Deck has been updated for the december balance. Tier list hearthstone deck tier list ashes of outland 3. Removed 2x lifedrinker 1x shudderwock for 1x lady vashj 1x the lurker below 1x bandersmosh. This deck hit rank 1 legend. Early on in the expansion these decks will be very raw and it will take at least a couple of weeks before things are refined and the meta settles in. July 2020 ashes of outland.
On this page you will find all of our ashes of outland decks. Well be featuring a bunch of theorycraft decks early on. Galakrond tempo warrior galakrond tempo warrior deck list guide ashes of outland 5. Hearthstone database deck builder news and more. We expect some of the older tier 1 decks to still do well eg. Ashes of outland deck lists.
Hearthstone meta tier list for july 2020 ashes of outland season 76 update july 2 2020. Deck has been reviewed following the january balance patch. The stealth cards the deck received in ashes of outland made it much stronger lackeys and shadowjeweler hanar can generate endless value for the deck which makes it viable against control decks the powerful combo effects and weapons can stop any aggressive deck. Galakrond rogue or warrior but other than that its very hard to predict the meta. Our hearthstone tier list contains a ranked review of the most competitive hearthstone decks to play in the month of august 2020 season 77. Why demon hunter doesnt feel like a new class ashes of outland hearthstone.
Hearthstone wild tier list. Hearthstone ashes of outland decks. We had one balance patch twin slice change but it had almost no impact on the meta which has seen almost no changes over the last month. Always craft cards with extreme caution in the early parts of an expansion. Best ashes of outland decks. Ashes of outland.
Face highlander warrior face highlander warrior deck list guide ashes of outland 6. Weve also got a handy page for the best ashes of outland budget decks so if youre unsure as to whether to go all in on an archetype give it a look. If youre interested in reading more about all of our theorycrafted decks check out this post. Medium update after 1721 balance update.