Race attribute tier god fire a stats level 1 level 90 max tasmon health 2086 6300955 attack 917 3060469 defense 643 2304355. Content is available under cc by nc sa 30 unless otherwise noted.

Lurrker R Bravefrontier
Grand summoners rosetta tier list. This page was last edited on 5 may 2020 at 1349. So you guys have asked for it a lot so here it is my tier list for gs. It is a constant work in progress and there may be units or awakenings missing. This tier list has been put together by members of the tiering team of the gs official discord server. Join the discord httpsdiscordgggfwha9g follow your boy. Join the discord 22 jan 2020 another grand summoners wholesome tier list.
You can challenge quests with up to 4 players where each user controls one character. The charge bar cost to keep rose barrier active varies based on its stack level. If rosetta takes 0 damage rose barrier gains no stacks. Hope yall did enjoy it and im out guys peace. Regulus ragsherum and feena are op adding a few more op units aint gonna hurt nobody. Grand summoners wiki is a fandom gaming community.
It is a constant work in progress and there may be units or awakenings missing. It is a game with an original control experience. Updated as of the 2nd of june 2020. You can play the battles exactly the way you want. Rosettas rose barrier rose barrier is active has a maximum stack of 5. Created apr 13.
It is an epic rpg adventure with intuitive exciting battles. Grand summoners community is kind of nuts might be the only community where getting strong units is a bad thing i play epic 7 and global were crying not having luna because korea had her. What kind of game is grand summoners. Updated as of the 2nd of june 2020. View mobile site friendstrivia endgamehonest galaxyquest. Basically whoever is in the same group cant stack art gen with each other for example if you use rosetta and delia your only gonna get 1 art gen buff instead of both.
Xáncrates diamond 4 93lp 98w 97l win ratio 50 zoe 7w 9l win ratio 44 kassadin 7w 6l win ratio 54 sylas 7w 5l win ratio 58 senna 4w 4l win ratio 50 syndra 5w 2l win ratio 71 fеign silver 1 27lp 20w 13l win ratio 61 volibear 17w 7l win. All units who receive a significant improvement with their true weapon are rated assuming it is equipped. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. Gains only 1 stack even when damaged multiple times in a single turn. This tier list has been put together by members of the tiering team of the gs official discord server. Can i play this game single player.
Grand summoners utopia wiki is a fandom games community. Rgrandsummoners is the official subreddit for grand summoners the first game from the good smile company. Hope yall did enjoy it and im out guys peace.