This is a list of skills called abilities in game found in fire emblem. Battalions are a mechanic introduced in fire emblem.

Analyzing The New Features In The Fire Emblem Three Houses
Fire emblem three houses battalion tier list. Innate abilities that each character has at the start. Fire emblem three houses 13 tier list maker share template on twitter share template on facebook as much as you can get with up to date fire emblem three houses tier maker. Battalions take the form of squads of units that can be deployed alongside characters and will assist them in battle. Please consider all viable routes when making your judgement. Below is the initial stat list of the different battalions in fire emblem. There is a mastery skill tier list here that ranked class mastery skills but i havent seen much on battalions.
Posted by 10 months ago. Additionally battalions have movement types. If foe initiates combat while units battalion endurance is 13 grants crit 50. Different battalions can be equipped to a character depending on their rank of authority and the strength of battalions is based on a characters charm stat. A character will go into the tier place where they receive the most votes and then arranged within said tier by average points 3 for top 2 for high 1 for upper mid 0 for lower mid 1 for low 2 for bottom. These battalions can be hired through the battalion guild or acquired by clearing paralogue and quest battles.
You have also admitted that you have not tried dimitri with battalion wrathvantage and whatever flaws you can find with wrathvantage as a strategy this indicates that you experience is less objective than it could be. As far as battalions go the best utility gambit outside of stride is probably dance of the goddess. These skills cannot be removed and theres only one for each character. Units will obtain new offensive attacks such as gambits and additional stat bonuses when equipped with a battalion. Three houses on the nintendo switch a gamefaqs message board topic titled personal skill tier list page 4. Fire emblem three houses tier list explanation in comments close.
You can use a battalion for a special move on your foe. Three houses battalions during a battle you have the option to command a unit that can make a ton of difference if used right. The list also covers different enemy battalions encountered. Its a one use refresher of all adjacent allies to the user and only two battalions seem to have it. In particular one has 8 str with 10 hit and crit while the other has 8 mag and 10 crit and avoid. Each topic will feature a character picked at semi random i will be going house by house.
The three nuvelle servants come early are all c rank and have stat totals that crush the other c rank battalions other than the battalions the lords come with in part 2.