Tharja good smile fire emblem awakening drama cd fire emblem. Over 20 fire emblem tier list templates available.

Fire Emblem Three Houses Tier List Fireemblem
Fire emblem class tier list. Commoner and noble both require 20 class xp to master while dancer requires 150. These classes dont require a certification exam to access. Find the most recent tier list for fire emblem games and characters. Best classes in the game. And had the brilliant idea of making a psuedo tier list on how valuable classes are to master. Tier 4 units are respectable heroes with good matchups against common units.
Class mastery guide. Fire emblem 0 cipher adaptations. Okay so someone asked if there was a fates class tier list and i decided to answer with my own tier list but me being a dingus wrote a detailed tier list for fates classes and i decided that it was good enough to make its own post so here we are. This is a list of classes found in fire emblem. Is it worth mastering classes at all etc. Class mastery guidetier list sign in to follow this.
Each certification exam requires a seal of varying quality depending on the tier of class you wish to acquire. Fire emblem 25th anniversary staff book the art of fire emblem awakening the making of fire emblem 25th anniversary development secrets awakening and fates. While the chosen class will list its requirements. One hundred songs of. Read more to find out about what the best classes are and which classes you should definitely add to your party. Fire emblem awakening comic anthology fire emblem awakening 4koma kings.
Some of these heroes may be more niche or have less specialised stat distributions than units in the above tiers or will be more dependant on certain skills but they can still perform their given role well. This list is mostly just my views backed up by experience playing the game on. Fire emblem is a fantasy tactical role playing video. This is a tier list to different classes you can become in fire emblem.