This epic seven tier list is designed to help you make an informed decision before investing all your resources into any specific hero. You will have a 30 chances of summoning a good set of heroes be sure to pick the right hero for your journey.

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Epic seven game tier list. This is the epic 7 hero tier list for global server. Epic seven tier list spreadsheet link heregoogle spreadsheet. Best heroes tier list. This page contains our ranking for characters heroes acquired by rerolling in the game epic seven. 1 camping simulator 2 hero list 3 summon simulator 4 tier list 5 epic seven reroll guide 6 arena offense tier list 7 pet guide 8 wyvern hunt pve tier list 9 specialty change. Reroll tier list selective summon.
Source redditdiscord subreddit epic 7. So this is the epic seven tier list of 3 star characters. This is the community based epic 7 tier list that will help you in building the best team of epic 7 characters. Sign up for other newsletters here. Email updates for epic seven. 1 10 sanctuary gate underground.
You can unlock the selective summon after finishing adventure stage chapter. And the more you play the more you realize how difficult it is to build a team that performs well in all aspects of the game. Epic sevens massive selection of heroes is one of the reasons why players couldnt get enough of it. The current characters are graded based on their performance on the following areas. Keep in mind this is just an opinion and you must still make your own informed decision on whether you want to invest in the character or not. Read on for information on how to time your rerolls correctly to get the best characters.
World adventure mode and farming.