Welcome pros and casuals to our brave nine ex brown dust complete tier list and best mercenaries. This formation has a very high winrate when it goes first but a very low winrate when it goes second.

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Brown dust tier list arena. Tier 1 through 5. Find out the top tier 5 star 4 star and 3 star mercenaries in brave nine tier list. Here you will find the overall ranking for arena novice arena and world bosses where mercenaries are divided into five tiers. This brave nine tier list features the top supporters defenders mage and warriors. Global arena tier list 122019. If you like going super ham.
Use links at the bottom right to jump to the tier list arena or novice arena sections. Slightly losing popularity due to the increase of granhildrs support variation formation users in the grandmaster tier. Tier list are a tool for newer players to have some idea of the relative strength of units assumes fully upgraded supports all defaulted to leftmost due to limited supply and consequential use. Brown dust arena formation. 2 row variation extension 3 row power formation. Install the game on android or iosthe game was released on march 7 2019.
Brown dust is slightly different in this respect though. Brown dust 3 stars heroes there are some things which are so great about any gacha game is what they call a tier list. There is even one tactic which is being used in all gacha games is the concept if rerolling which simply means resting your character. Instead of going on a spending spree you can still enjoy pvp in the novice arena a mode that is similar to the regular arena in terms of mechanics but that only allows the use of originally 3 star heroes or lower and a maximum of 3 originally 4 star heroes. Also consider joining the rbrowndust discord server here. Welcome to the unofficial wiki for brave nine wiki.
Asera melody sloan lydia rigenette now you need to know that from what we have tested thus far these heroes are the ones that would fit in this tier list best. Some of the ones that we havent mentioned might either be too weak or bluntly said useless to be placed in here like dominique for example or we just havent discovered their true strength yet.