A forum of this page is to discuss not your decks but duel links tier list and current meta. Reroll tier list 605 updated this page shows tier list for rerolling in yu gi oh duel links.

I Ve Made A Tier List To Share My Opinions On Which Duel
Duel links tier list. 103k members in the duellinks community. We sincely appreciate your understand. Duel links meta has the best most competitive information about the game. Join the discord server full access is not needed and is not granted by becoming a dlm pro member. The duel links meta website is currently supported by advertisements. We post news leaks decks tier lists tournaments guides reviews and event reports.
This information is only for reference. If you need a help to build a better deck please visit deck advice forum. Dlm pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. Reroll tier list 605 updated content. Duel links is a game developed by konami available to mobile and pc on. Top 4 decklists of the tournaments.
Duel links breaking news. Visit our patreon page and subscribe with your discord name for 1month. Removal of some packs. 38 votes 62 comments. Inappropriate comments will be deleted without any notice. You can remove the ads and support us directly by becoming a dlm pro member.
The duel links tier list is based on decks performance on the early march tournament which will implement the latest banlist 24 march format.