To edit click on the edit button in the specific section or sub section. Welcome to the worlds largest online database for decks events and meta statistics for the dragon ball super trading card game.

Dragon Ball Super Card Game Leaders Tier List Community Rank
Dragon ball card game tier list. For retailers to purchase dragon ball super card game please contact to the below official distributors. Editing will bring you to the individual articles. Budokai 3 tier list. Usa and canada. Singapore malaysia philippines. A dragon ball tier.
Europe english ver. Singapore malaysia philippines. Our cookie policy has been updated. Fusion warriors are powerful and are well built to compete in the meta as with the addition of sp ssb. Twitch james w httpswwwtwitchtvskabomba twitter at monares. Esdevium games ltd asmodee uk.
The woolner files dragon ball super card game leader tier list watch and folllow us here. As more and more people unlock his full potential it will quickly become apparent how good he is. You can also search through our comprehensive and complete card database with accurate pricing information. Sp vegito yel and ex gogeta red are very reliable options on the team featuring everlasting offensive buffs as well as nice defensive tools. There is no official tier list available by the dragon ball z dokkan battle game developers. Keep in mind that the tier list is an opinion based list.
Europe english ver. By continuing to browse our site you agree to these updates. For example editing any section of the super agl tier list will bring. Card reasoning s1 ultimate and invincible fusion vegito insane all round unit capable of hitting hard and tank at the same time while never struggling for ki at the same time very high 12 ki multiplier transformation condition is very easy to achieve without requiring any specific categories or character excellent linkset no prepared for battle or warrior gods active skill is. On dragon ball general a gamefaqs message board topic titled dragon ball z. The dynamic pair of sp ssj2 kefla grn and sp ssb vegito blu makes things very easy for fusion warriors in early game.
Esdevium games ltd asmodee uk. Usa and canada. The tier list will assume sp kid goku yel is zenkai 7 because unlike other fighters that have received zenkai boosts hes free to play. For retailers to purchase dragon ball super card game please contact to the below official distributors.