Make sure to google translate the little tier notes to get their reasoning eg characters. Following the original purpose of tier lists the ranking of adventurers in dragalia lost is done by counting their favorable matchups.

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Dragalia lost tier list altema. Explanations can be found on each individual units page. Everyone in dragalia has a niche based on their kit and resistances in that sense only the specific content or matchup. Lycemara ss rank is a character that is particularly easy to exploit quests in 5. Click here for a list of countries where the dragalia lost game is available. Certain specifications and features of your device may affect the games performance. Tiering system edit edit source.
Aggregate tier list of other popular dragalia lost fansites gamewith game8 altema and appmedia for flame water wind light shadow adventurers. Dragalia lost may not be a 1v1 fighting game but for its pve content some characters have a higher success rate than others. All adventurers and dragons are rated out of a maximum of 100 points. Altema re evaluates each adventurer when their mana spiral is released. All wyrmprints are rated out of a maximum of 100 points and tiered as follows. Because it is excellent in fire power durability recovery any quest can be active.
This tier list is sourced from altemajps site. Adventurers are assumed to be max level and to have their mana circle or mana spiral fully unbound. This tier list is sourced from altemajps site. Dragalia lost wiki is a fandom gaming community. Game content is still in development. Wyrmprints are assumed to be max level and fully unbound.