Card reasoning s1 fused fighting force super saiyan goku angel super saiyan vegeta angel incredible offensive and decent defensive power and gains extra ki from rbw ki in both forms hits all types effectively as gogeta and debuffs enemies great links both unfused and fused can link with other gogetas freely fusion conditions are difficult to achieve early s2 transcendent fusion. Trending posts and videos related to dokkan tier list.

Dbz Dokkan Battle Tier List Templates Tiermaker
Dokkan fusion tier list. His links are stellar as always like the other gogeta units that swarm this tier list. New user 79 points 1 year ago. Phy lr gogeta is always an excellent choice bringing colossal power to the team. I have characters for a team like this just not the lead. The best dokkan tier list images and discussions of march 2020. 8 top tier fusion team guide 9 top tier potara team guide 10 world tournament team guide see all.
This thread is archived. This page is for listing all tier lists written for dokkan battle overall. The only thing i dont like about it is that turles transformation is luck based. Dokkan battle visual tier list fusion dance 401 rdbzdokkanbattle 138 comments urallerzz jun 20 2018 report. Metamorphosis no longer has its associated glitch but its more common than it used to be showing up on ssr fusion android 13 mutating monster oolong ssr savage battle instinct super buu and ssr proudest in the universe final form coora. Z tier the absolute best of the best these are the main units that you wanna bring to your team perfect synergy and top tier damage output.
In addition he will gain 1 extra ki per super class ally and for every fusion category ally he will gain 20 atk and an additional 8 chance to evade the enemys attack. The teams currently with a tier list are superextreme of color types superextreme in general and category teams. There are multiple team types in the game and therefore multiple tier lists. Fusion the lr is what saves this team otherwise its just a team full of damage dealers. Awakened lr all or nothing super saiyan god ss vegito super str. S tier units that are still very good to run however.
Movie bosses a very well rounded team with a good balance of offense defense and healing. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Dbfz dokkan tier list. S tier if youre lacking any of the units in the z tier these are your best option major difference is that they may have a more of a weak spot but overall these units are still excellent. The tier list is a list which ranks units on their importance effect and relevance in the current meta of the game. Ur peerless gleam super saiyan 4 gogeta is another excellent pick providing both an excellent leader skill for fusions as well as the ability to counter the enemy super attacks.
Dokkan battle visual tier list fusion dance. Fusion has 3 viable leaders that will allow the team to reach top tier potential. Not a bad team by any means but nothing too special either without the lr.