Destiny 2 exotic tier list as of july 2020 this list covers both pve and pvp but pay special attention to the excels in column as it clarifies what the best exotics for pve or pvp are. The list reflects the meta as of august 2020 ill update it in the future to reflect buffs and nerfs down the line.

Destiny 2 Content Creator Tier List
Destiny 2 pve class tier list. Youre likely to see these subclasses in almost any raid nightfall or competitive lobby. Discover the best destiny 2 subclases in this destiny 2 subclasses tier list. People justify this by saying just equip nighthawk id move it down a rank or two. Destiny 2 class tier list best class for pve pvp content. Lets dig into our destiny 2 class tier list. Unless this is just pve or pvp speaking as a gunslinger main the arcstrider super is way more versatile and powerful from my experience.
Destiny 2 pve tier list s tier classes. Early in the game the set items dropped in molten core alongside tier 1 but were removed in patch 1. Right now things are pretty well balanced across the three different classes. Destiny 2 pvp tier list 1. In making this tier list i took into account weapon usage the range of useable weapons within a class and my own personal experience with destiny 2. Updated for 2020 through shadowkeep and season of dawn here.
Destiny 2 class tier list. The best of the best. Below is a ranked list of the best subclasses to be building around right now in destiny 2 as well as an explanation of what the ranks mean. Shadowkeep in september giving all players access to the initial version of destiny 2 and every released content up to forsaken the most recent expansion. The rating is good for pvp but it is very bad in pve. Gold gun is high tier.
If you are having trouble deciding what weapons should be brought to the destiny 2 pve endgame then look no further. Destiny 2s warlock is known for their versatility and their ability to support. The best destiny 2 classes and subsclasses. This top 10 list gives a good look at what weapons. Frequently throughout destinys history theres been one class that stands head and shoulders above the rest. For destiny 2 on the playstation 4 a gamefaqs message board topic titled my own personal opinion tier list for all the supers pve only.
Destiny 2 is being continued and revived with the release of destiny 2. After running through destiny 2s various pve activities we came up with a ranking of which classes you want fighting on your side.