The list reflects the meta as of august 2020 ill update it in the future to reflect buffs and nerfs down the line. View the top destiny 2 players on our leaderboards and how you perform by comparison.

Made Season 6 Tier List Any Suggestions Destiny2
Destiny 2 hand cannon tier list. The reigning champ is still not forgotten but its one hell of a difficult grind to get it. This list will help narrow down the. This weapon type was pioneered by bungie in destiny back in 2014 and has since made hand cannons the face of the destiny franchise. Use our destiny 2 hand cannons tier list template to create your own tier list. Check your profile and weapon statistics. So far the only energy hand cannon to use special ammo is erianas vow.
In making this tier list i took into account weapon usage the range of useable weapons within a class and my own personal experience with destiny 2. Top 10 season of dawn mods ranked there are so many hand cannons in destiny 2 that it can be hard to pick which one is good. In destiny 2 pvp the sweat gets turned up to 11 when it comes to hand cannons. Hand cannons are the most iconic weapons in destinytaking inspiration from revolvers in real life or the magnum from halo hand cannons are high damage weapons that can handle almost any situation from close to medium range. This weapon type sacrifices range for stopping power making it ideal for close quarters engagements. Hand cannons are powerful weapons that reward a calm hand when under fire.
Hand cannons by rarity exotic. Among all of the weapons made available to you destiny 2s universe the hand cannon is by far the most iconic of them all.