The reddit tier list from skyknight and the video tier list from skarrow9 were both great sources of inspiration. These days powerful gear is classed as a tier 1 tier 2 or pinnacle.

Destiny 2 Exotic Tier List All 68 Weapons Ranked
Destiny 2 exotic tier list reddit. Bungie yesterday afternoon after finishing the shadowkeep campaign and slinging an absolutely huge number of tokens in the direction of zavala and shaxx i leveled my titan up. Alright considering we have passed the halfway point for year 2s annual pass i wanted to make a tier list of exotics. Also included at the end are the newly added forsaken exotics. We do have arbalest coming in the revelry and we potentially have rose coming too alongside hawkmoon and dark drinker returning. Depending on your power level which reward you chase is going to. Since destiny sprinting and punching has been a pastime of titans with an electric passion for the arc subclass and the fun has been brought over to destiny 2.
For that reason this tier list also takes into account everything ive learned from watching hundreds of videos from the most talented destiny 2 players out there. Pattycakes gaming 186379 views. The lone leg armor in the list of best titan exotics dunemarchers are a favorite especially among arc titans. Reading mean reddit comments about me duration. Powerful gear sources have undergone a change in destiny 2. First of all you should seperate in a pvp and pve tier list.
Your rankings str really weird aswell. List of exotic warlock armor in destiny 2 use the links below to jump to specific destiny 2 exotic warlock armor listings to learn more about each pieces type intrinsic perk and whether to use. Destiny 2 exotic warlock armour list all armour is unlocked from drops exotic engrams or specific vendors unless noted. I dont agree at all. This list will take into account the weapons viability in pvp gambit and pve in general. Chromatic fire isnt just for looks though as the exotic grants the perk crystalline transistor which allows precision kills with the primary weapon.
Arguably warlocks have some of the best fashion pieces in destiny 2 and one of the reasons is chromatic firea beautifully unique chest piece any warlock can hop into the rdestinyfashion game and enjoy looking good while popping enemies. Nazrecs sin fe is imo easily s tier. Hunter exotic armor pvp tier list destiny 2 duration.