Depands on how good they are against you as killer or your teammates as survivors. If you really want to divide them in tiers.

Dead By Daylight Survivor Perk Tier List 2020
Dead by daylight best survivor tier list. The flesh and mud dlc is a bit lower on the list of the best dlcs for dead by daylight because of it. Dead by daylight. Meg feng ace laurie c. Reacting to ybcs point guard tier list. Dead by daylight killer perks. Killer tier list 2020 dead by daylight items.
Survivors are simply skins they are identical. Jeff is jesus so he should be at the top spot. Laurie is an angel from heaven so she should be right under jeff. There are three major flaws with your list. Dbd survivor perks 2020. Cannibal the cannibal or bubba from the texas chainsaw massacre is the poor mans billy.
In summary the list should look like this. With the latest chains of hate dlc in dead by daylight it is time for a new killer tier list. S tier claudette smaller model and dark skin color a tier female survivor smaller model b tier male survivor bigger model killers are a bit up to preference but most people say this. S tier nurse a tier hillbilly huntress. I will be ranking these killers based on my experience as a red rank player and based on opinions from the community. Ranking all of the best point guards in nba 2k20 myteam duration.
Dead by daylight is an interesting survival horror experience where four survivors are struggling to outwit and escape a powerful killer whos doing the bidding of an ancient evil. Nea is the entity so she shouldnt even be on the list. With that much variety picking one out of this bunch is going to be difficult. With 80 perks to choose from theres going to be a lot of guesswork on just which builds are the best for you to take into each match. Each killer has their own set of perks which can be taught to other killers. Dead by daylight currently has 20 killers for players to choose from with the most recent killer being silent hills pyramid head.
Jefflaurieeveryone else excluding nea who isnt even a survivor. Dead by daylight survivor perk tier list march 2019 painreliever. Dead by daylight tier list templates. Dead by daylight is a game that relies on teamwork if you decide to play as a survivor. All survivors perks up to cheryl mason dead by daylight as of pyramid head dead by daylight perks. This dbd tier list will go over the strongest killers ranked from the best s tier to the worst f tier.