Overall nice list though i have a few minor problems. Civ 5 is a complicated game with hundreds of different variables but that doesnt mean you need to pick your nation blindly when setting up a game.

What Do Y All Think Of This Tier List Civ5
Civ 5 tier list filthyrobot. 00532 alhambra 00830 colossus 01048 great library 01305 hanging gardens 01450 hubble space telescope 01632 machu picchu 01729. After an additional 1500 hours played and interest from my fans i wanted to update my tier list to reflect my current understanding of the game. The accepted parlance for a civ tier list is to organize each civilization into categories named after the games difficulties. Samurai can be quite good in some situation and fits. 4s consistent but weak describes the combat bonus from the ua and situational and mediocre describes the fishing ship bonuses from the ua and samurai fish building. This is version two of my civilization tier list.
I think japan should be 3 or 4 not 5. The wonder tier list for civilization v multiplayer by filthyrobot. This list takes into consideration vanilla civ 5 as well as its two expansions gods and kings and brave new world. 00142 wonder tier list tier 1 wonders. Some civs are better than others and understanding the ins and outs of each can swing any game in your favor. Every wonder in the game is categorized into 6 tiers.
I dont consider myself an authority on civ at all just voicing my opinions.