Now personally as unexpected as it seems such a restricted category i would actually consider this to be a very close up to the 1 team in dokkan maybe even better than potara but i believe this needs much better analysis and only time will tell how good this team compares to the top teams of dokkan. Card reasoning s1 last ditch battle android 17 excellent supporter decent tank and hard hitter great debuffer great linkset damage reduction requires your hp to fall below a certain threshold s2 the androids journey androids 17 18android 16 great debuffer great tank great android supporter self sustainable hits incredibly hard especially as android 16 great linkset.

Top Tier Androids Team Guide Dbz Dokkan Battle Gamepress
Android category dokkan tier list. Card reasoning s1 resilient will to protect the future trunks teen future great all round unit that can hit decently hard and tank really well especially in long events self sustainable excellent linkset loses the ability to stack def upon using active skill which could actually be detrimental in long events s2 power to face despair super saiyan gohan future decent all round. The first tier shows the units the comprise the hardest hitting team for that category or type. D tier namekian even a 150 leader wouldnt be enough to push them up i think i would have majin buu saga in at least s tier maybe even ss tier since lr super vegito can be run on it yeah i forgot to mention that buu saga as well as movie bosses were the 2 categories i was the most unsure about. So here once again with the android category visual tier list. Each teams section is divided into two tiers. This androids team is well equipped to take on super battle road between the extraordinary combination of debuffs healing and tanking capabilities.
This list shows the top tier units available for each of the major teams in the japanese version of dokkan battle. The androids team is easily among the top tier categories in the game and can steamroll the vast majority of in game content.