Dota underlords tier list the final piece of the puzzle is the phantom assassin which you can sub out for any unit with an elusive primordial heartless deadeye or savage. Often 58 winrate in masters.

Dota Underlords Seasonal Rank System October 2019
Underlords tier list swim. Inside the specific tiers items are ordered in rows. In this game victory is determined not by twitch reflexes but by superior tactics. Tierlistgg isnt endorsed by steam or dota 2 and is not affiliated with any game developer. Swims guide to duos in dota underlords duration. Each item tier is ordered separately so that early game items dont compete in the list with late game items you never get to choose between the two. So what is a tier list.
I wont make a classical tier list pyramid as most people do but i will rather make an ordered list with short notes for each unit for each. Dota underlords is stand alone game that pits you against seven opponents in a battle of wits that will have you building combining and leveling up a crew in a battle of dominance for the city of white spire. Often 54 57 winrate in masters. This dota 2 heroes tier list is my totally objective fully unbiased and extremely fact based opinion on how absolutely brilliant or utterly terrible each dota hero is. High level tournament game with ezreal control lor game. I would describe it as efficiency of units power of units with also their cost taken into account this would be the basic definition but if i think about its units that are versatile are usually on the top of the list.
B tier dota underlords tier list brute dota underlords tier list brutes are not an alliance i would make a main focus of my build but the individual units in the brute alliance are all very strong and since you only need four of them for the bonus they make a fantastic complement to any of the alliances they pair easily with. Powerful or anti meta options. Brawny heartless blood bound mage and sage. Below youll find a complete list of all dota underlords items with information and tips about each one. Passable offmeta decks often hover around 50 winrate in masters. Httpspuushdmziv4640b87dcdpng you can watch me on twitch every day httptwitchtvswimstrim underlords guides playlist.
The dota underlords jull tide update is upon us so here are the three most important things you need to know about it in order to have success.