These are the best builds for diablo 3 patch 265 season 17 based on past and ptr performance for solo gr pushing. You have six different classes to choose from and all have various builds with variations to consider.

Season 17 The Season Of Nightmares Is Now Live Diablo Iii
S17 d3 tier list. Ive been following bluddshed and rhykker but neither of them have posted the full tier list for 17. Diablo 3 season 21 tier list these are the best builds for diablo 3 patch 269 season 21 based on past and ptr performance for solo gr pushing. Monk builds barbarian builds crusader builds witch doctor builds demon. Diablo 3 s17 lon pet walker witch doctor build t16speed gr 265 zauberer best build update chantodo season 17 diablo 3 ptr 265 erster blick uraltes und archaisches reich der schätze flechtring. The introduction of the necromancer naturally has totally thrown a femur bone or twenty into the season 10 tier list. Enhance your favorite class in diablo 3 season 11 with this top 10 builds list created by the escapists favorite in depth diablo madman rhykker.
At this time i think the necro with haedrigs gift is a solid choice for myself. Everything currently end game viable ranked in order of power. They are likely working on it and as its not out yet idk if they 100 could because bliz could still make changes to builds stats. Welcome to the diablo 3 season 17 tier list for patch build 265 this video is 100 based on my opinion enjoy. Diablo 3 best class 2020 diablo 3 tier list in diablo you have options on how you want to kill the prime evils and their demon hoards.