These ratings are used in our draft simulator to inform the bot pick order within the packs. The tier list is not to be blindly followed for the best draft deck it is just a general recommendation.

Drafting Core Set 2020 Mtg Arena Temur Elementals Youtube
Mtg arena 2020 draft tier list. Be sure to visit our core set 2020 draft guide that focuses on popular archetypes and color combinations for the set. Ive been playing a ton with core set 2020 since its release on mtg arena and this set is a blast for both sealed and draftits got a fantastic mix of sweet themes resonant cards and good gameplay so id definitely recommend going out and trying it for yourself. Deathsies draft tier list by terence published may 18 2019 updated january 12 2020 deathsie is a player and streamer on team tempo storm and he is currently a mythic ranked limited player this season. Below youll find draftsims ratings for every card in core set 2020. The ratings are initially created by me but they may also be updated later with information gleaned from ai backed analysisas always a list like this is only a jumping off point to help you with pack 1 pick 1 decisions or. I got to the point of infinite drafting and earned extra 20k gems so far.
The ranking is also relevant as a rough guideline for the subsequent picks. Im justlolaman i finished top 10 in march limited season top 20 in april and top 25 in june. Below youll find draftsims draft rankings and ratings for every card in core set 2021. Use our core set 2020 draft tier list pick order below for building your draft and sealed pools for core set 2020. Simply click on the tab for the ranking by color. Core set 2020 draft tier list.
Preliminary tier list added before release of. The goal of this article is to rank all cards in the set from high to low for the purpose of the first pick first pack decision in draft. If you need any credibility or introductions. These ratings are used in our draft simulator to inform the bot pick order within the packs. The ratings are initially created by me but they may also be updated later with information gleaned from ai backed analysis. As always a list like this is only a jumping off point to help you with pack 1 pick 1.
Welcome to my pick 1 pack 1 list for core set 2020. Please use best judgement to consider your mana curve the colors that you are in and what colors are being passed to you by the bots. Mostly i play bo3 but i do bo1 to get to mythic.