Epic seven tier list based on outdated kr list 105 comments. Tbh thats the most accurate tier list ive seen.

Epis Seven 2020 3rd Quarter Tier List Youtube
Epic seven tier list kr. Keep in mind this is just an opinion and you must still make your own informed decision on whether you want to invest in the character or not. This is the epic 7 hero tier list for global server. This page contains our ranking for characters heroes acquired by rerolling in the game epic seven. World adventure mode and farming. Sir drae recommended for you. Posted by 1 year ago.
S are also all solid as well. I definitely sign off on beginners using this as a reference. 28 11 2019 updated 5 star characters tier list. Because this tier list only ranks 5 star characters they are ranked compared to each other which means a character ranked b tier is a b tier character compared to the rest of the 5 star characters in the game. 5 arena offense tier list 6 wyvern hunt pve tier list 7 epic seven reroll guide 8 pet guide 9 guides 10 banshee hunt pve tier list see all. Read on for information on how to time your rerolls correctly to get the best characters.
Best hero tier list epic seven. Im a 4800 arena rating clear raids and hunt 11s so im not just talking from a theory crafting stand point. You might realize how difficult it is to pick a good team as you advance further in the game. 13 03 2019 enhanced epic seven tier list removed the table. 1 briar witch iseria 2 sinful angelica 3 holiday yufine 4 apocalypse ravi 5 blood blade karin 6 champion zerato 7 arbiter vildred 8 challenger dominiel 9 vildred 10 cermia. Epic seven tier list based on outdated kr list close.
30 01 2019 added bellona violet. She is still decent and good to use for both pve and pvp but she no longer can lock down a unit in pvp permanently when built with very high speed 200. The current characters are graded based on their performance on the following areas. Pretty much all the ss heroes are top tier meta heroes seen throughout the game modes. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.
Added kayron fixed destina artifact recommendation. Tier list description after being top tier for so long smilegate has hit her with the nerf. Epic seven walkthrough team. When it comes to selecting the best team of characters epic seven offers a wide range of list which sometimes make it more difficult for you to make the right combination. 20 02 2019 added luna tamarinne in the tier list. Intel gathered in order to put this tier list together consists of data from the community the epic seven subreddit and top players.
Epic seven tier list the best heroes of all time. Tier list epic seven español lista de los héroes más rotos en epic 7 duration. 12 06 2019 epic seven tier list updated.