Updated for season 20 patch 268. While not much has changed in the builds themselves with the addition of ring of royal grandeur in season 16 you can use additional items in the majority of popular builds.

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Diablo 3 build tier list season 16. Group builds zsupport starter build season 21 monk s tier a tier poj tempest rush wuko tempest rush b tier wuko wol lod wol uliana off meta push inna wol h dash goblin farm torment speed builds best wuko wol lod wol uliana sss poj tempest rush ltk wuko gr speed builds ltk spd 70 90 poj tr 70 90 poj tr 100 lod wol 70. We are presenting the complete list of all our diablo 3 builds. Everything currently end game viable ranked in order of power. Kamikaze gr95 speed farm console friendly by baronsamedi. Aug 2 2020 season 21. Aug 3 2020 season 21.
Here is an update to the best builds for diablo 3 patch 264 season 16 for solo gr pushing. Pyrexia disintegrate archon lazers by syrstorm. Mammoth hydra wizard by ltdan6. In season 19 the aegis of valor set was introduced and proceeded to dominate the solo leader boards both on seasonal and non seasonal. Here is an update to the best builds for diablo 3 patch 264 season 16 for. Top tier builds for diablo 3 that are strictly meant for pushing greater rifts to get high leaderboard positions.
Zmonk by ookamisan. Watch the video for a full explanation. These are the best builds for diablo 3 patch 269 season 21 based on past and ptr performance for solo gr pushing. In unserer übersicht auf deutsch seht ihr hier die besten klassen und builds in einer tier list. Diablo 3 best class 2020 diablo 3 tier list in diablo you have options on how you want to kill the prime evils and their demon hoards. Season in diablo 3 startet.
Aug 3 2020 season 21. Build type group type has item. At the time this was ranked as the only god tier build in the game but with the 268 patch and season 20 the build was nerfed slightly bringing it back in line with the s tier builds. Necromancer builds monk builds barbarian builds crusader builds witch doctor builds demon hunter builds. Season 16 tier list. You have six different classes to choose from and all have various builds with variations to consider.
We are currently updating all the builds for patch 264 and season 16. Gegenüber der letzten season hat sich einiges getan. Aug 2 2020 season 21. All these builds are t16 torment 16 viable. These are the best builds for diablo 3 patch 264 season 16 for solo gr pushing.