1paladin s tier paladin has been on top of the arena for a while. Descent of dragons has finally arrived and with it weve been gifted a tonne of new decks reworks to existing ones and of course plenty of dragons.

Developer Insights Arena Balance Through Science Hearthstone
Descent of dragons arena class tier list. Sidequests will be available in arena. Hello arena players this past week weve been hard at work rating the 116 descent of dragons cards that will be in the arena. As you can see the spreadsheet divides all cards of the same rarity into 8 different tiers based on their potential value for your class. A solo adventure will be launching in january 2020. As with previous expansions a team of leaderboard level players took days to rate the cards individually followed by hours of group discussion with the goal to set a single tier list score for every card. Galakrond azeroths end shaman is a 7 mana cost legendary shaman hero card from the descent of dragons set.
Descent of dragons didnt help priest in the arena at all. Hearthstones 3rd and final expansion in the year of the dragon is descent of dragonsit goes live on december 10th. Our arena team prepared for you a little presentation about what you can expect in descent of dragons arena. Breaths spells that make use of dragon holding mechanics to power up their effects. Descent of dragons ashes of outland scholomance academy curse of naxxramas blackrock mountain league of explorers one night in karazhan galakronds awakening battleground hero tier list cards deckbuilder minions heroes hero powers packs innkeeper desktop view. As with previous expansions a team of leaderboard level players took days to rate the cards individually followed by hours of group discussion with the goal to set a single tier list score for every card.
Descent of dragons brings even more dragon synergy to paladin. A few highlander decks are still knocking around but theres been a big influx of galakrond based decks climbing the meta. Explorers dragon cards for the non evil classes which discover a dragon alongside another class themed effect. Hello arena players this past week weve been hard at work rating the 116 descent of dragons cards that will be in the arena. 69100 win rates provided by hsreplay. To steal the floating city of dalaran in the rise of shadows expansion.
One of paladins strengths is the ability to draft aggressive or control depending on what is offered to. Plan set forth by rafaam and his crew of villians. If you want to know more about how we scored each individual card what do we think about them or want to talk about descent of dragons cards in arena environment in general feel free to jump into our descent of dragons. This spreadsheet is designed to aid you in forging druid arena decks. Cards listed in tier 1 are generally better than cards listed in tier 2 and so on. The year of the dragon started with an evil.