Dead by daylight killers tier list guide all dbd killers ranked. Myers is a killer many fans were excited to see enter the game and he comes in first on our list of tier 2 killers.

2020 Dbd Rank 1 Killer Tier List Dead By Daylight 3 7 1
Dbd killer tier list spirit. After breaking 4 3 2 pallets the next time you are stunned by a pallet the entity will instantly break it. Grants the undetectable status effect after gaining bloodlust tier i. The spirit has excellent map control and an insane ability to mind game which. Killers that can help you land easy 4ks at any rank but with a high skill cap. In this guide i will show you my opinion about the current killer tier list in the latest patch regarding the new killer the spirit. Another top tier killer.
I will be ranking these killers based on my experience as a red rank player and based on opinions from the community. The spirit is a killer that phases meaning that she disappears and moves quickly around the map for a short time before reappearing. Tier 3 myers is a force to be reckoned with but i feel his power overall is a bit outdated. Each pallet you break magnifies the wrath of the entity. And of course you can play whatever you want. With the latest chains of hate dlc in dead by daylight it is time for a new killer tier list.
List of killer powers. Tier 1 dead by daylight killers the spirit. The nurse 98100 the hillbilly 93100. Spirit is over nurse now only because i think spirit is more consistent less map dependent. Myers is not a good killer at base. As of patch 250 this is the ranking list that i feel best portrays and exemplifies the current state of the dbd killers in descending order from highest rank to lowest rank.
Dead by daylight killer tier list chris capel tuesday august 28 2018 theres a new killer available for dead by daylight the creepy spirit which seems a cross between the girl from the. This list is divided into 4 tiers. This dbd tier list will go over the strongest killers ranked from the best s tier to the worst f tier. His tier 1 is a nuisance unless you are playing around his 1 tier with a particular build. Otherwise she can feel a bit underpowered compared to the other killers on this list. Keep in mind that this is my opinion on the killer list.
Aimee hart july 21 2020. The spirit is kind of a mixed bag. Noone will stop you. I am experienced i dont know how many hours i have since you cant check on console but i judge killers based off of how well they do in a chase billy is still top tier with his mobility and insta down but he cant stop loops and force pallets like clown can youre entitled to your opinion and how you judge killers but i judge killers based off of how well they do in chases like how.