Dota chess auto gameplay is quite simple and easy to play for beginners. By combining some types of equipment you can upgrade them to a stronger single item.

Yet Another Tier List 2 Feb Update I M Bishop 4 Autochess
Auto chess mobile item tier list. Demon edge hyperstone and ultimate orb. Auto chess can go on to a maximum of 50 rounds but most games last about 30 rounds or around 15 minutes. That is why this game quickly spread and became a hot game in the game world today. Fluttering amethyst loading screen for templar assassin valve. Which racesclasses are the most op. The instructions on how to download auto.
Therefore almost everyone can play it. So our tier list builds about best team meta compisitions. There is various equipment which can be collect by killing the neutralsmonster in some rounds. Patch notes dota auto chess tier list. Auto chess mobile equipment list. Hero units draw chances.
Item drop rate by wave. Auto chess mobile is a mobile version of the popular custom map dota auto chess belonging to dota 2. We plan to continue updating it on a regular basis as synergies get buffednerfed. Auto chess mobile tier list. Posted by 1 year ago. Last week excoundrel and i created a tier list on his channel for top synergies in auto chess mobile.
Broad sword javelin mithril hammer platemail vitality booster and staff of wizardry. Auto chess mobile tier list. Rank system and distribution. All the auto chess articles. All youll need to do is search for auto chess in either store and find the auto chess version published by dragonest. If you follow some positioning economy and bench management common sense and importantly if you are a little bit lucky with your shop rolls you can win with any strategy.
Auto chess mobile is most interesting mobile game in 2019. Auto chess strategies tier list in auto chess everything can work. Which build team are the best. The list of items are. To equip these items open your bag and drag the item on top of the chess piece. How to download and install ios android now that drodo studios finished fine tuning auto chess mobile its now available on both the android google play store and ios stores in the west.
Class and species synergies item stats combinations and upgrades. Attack blade blight stone chainmail cloak crown health ring morbid mask quarterstaff ring of regen robe of magi stout shield and void stone. If you think a game is lost because you made mistakes early on theres also the option. More auto chess articles. Auto chess mobile items list tier 1. Hi i am a new player and i know pc chess pieces and mobile are different ao is there a guide on the meta mobile chess pieces right now.