Priest is always a weird class in arena. The sets you will have access to for this first arena rotation are basic classic naxxramas whispers of the old gods mean streets of gadgetzan the witchwood and rise of shadows.

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Arena class tier list rise of shadows. Best classes and minions after rise of shadows change. Lightforge arena tier list is updated for ros. Below you will find a full list of the currently revealed cards along with many sorting options. As you can see the spreadsheet divides all cards of the same rarity into 8 different tiers based on their potential value for your class. There will be 135 new cards coming in rise of shadows expansion. This spreadsheet is designed to aid you in forging priest arena decks.
The problem with priest is its usually pretty in consistent to get a good deck and it has a pretty specific play style. Its part of the routine high win rate classes get to see their best cards less often while low win rate classes more often. Rise of shadows card list. As with previous expansions a team of leaderboard level players took days to rate the cards individually followed by hours of group discussions with the goal to set a single tierlist score for every card. Yesterday blizzard has rolled a fix to balance arena better. Its probably teir 3 right now.
Cards listed in tier 1 are generally better than cards listed in tier 2 and so on. Hello arena players in the past week weve been hard at work rating the 135 rise of shadow cards that will be in the arena. Honestly 4 7 depends on how you are good with the classes sometimes you can win if you know what cards are good but warlock is the most broken class right now and probably why hunter is number two since hunters hero power is good versus warlock. Sets will be switched around twice every expansion with these changes in mind our arena card rankings for each class have all been updated. Hearthstone arena tier list. If you are curious which cards have released most recently you can sort by date in the field right next to the filter button.
The goal is to bring win rate of every class as close to 50 as possible which is pretty difficult given that arena sets rotate around every 2 months. In this may arena meta report tempo storm arena expert tachii reviews key themes that shape the current meta. But if it is working it is the most ungodly bullshit that ever happens in the game. Having said that if i could i delete that stupid class from the game. The arena in hearthstone has been drastically changed with the release of rise of shadows. Stay tuned to the end for our class tier list but be sure to watch the whole video.
99 of the 135 cards by offering rate have been valued by our algorithm and the results are live now a full day ahead of the expansion release time.